The Beginning

It all started at my young age of 21 (1998 – 1999); working as a machinist in a small town in Georgia; After Running small jobs of coding and post-schooling; I wanted a site that I could show off some of my work under MY name;; back when dot com meant company. You need to realize that in the beginning of hte Internet; the Top Level Domain names (TLD’s) actually meant something; COM = company; ORG = organization; NET = network; etc… So to my surprise when I couldn’t purchase; I was to say the very least; pissed! How could someone else own MY name. So let’s begin the rabbit hole down a inside a box I didn’t even know existed…..Internet Name-spacing.

As my searching and reading; I started to see a pattern; there was NO official governing body to the highest order of the name-spacing (the COM, ORG, NET, etc..) area of the name spacing. This lead me to think “why can’t I just start my own space. So I started researching what it would take to start my own space to create and run my OWN area called “david dot scott”.

Let’s jump forward; bypassing all the hours and months of researching to the gooey goods; many sketches later; the umbrella structure and a motto was created; “If ICANN then UCANN2” was created. Head of to to read all about the wonders of the umbrella structure and DNS. But; just to note; we (all of us) use an internet; that use a structure that I assisted in creating; MANY of us “little” technicians assisted in creating a wonderes word of the internet that many take for granted; and you don’t even know!!!

I maintain this structure just to ensure that we are still in the know – completely free; at no charge – telling YOU have to set it up; and how to use it.

Binary is polarity; you can choice to be positive or you can choice to be negative; but being neutral is choosing to be with the mob’s choice.


Please note; Inclusive name-spacing organizations ARE NOT provided ANY credited across any official documentation to the growth of the internet expansion; see reference for context

